Manuscript, in a single hand, of copies of letters by Robert Lawson concerning both personal and business affairs. Numerous letters are addressed to members of the Hylton family of Hylton Castle, Co. Durham; letters to Thomas Hylton (1711-1739) and Hylton Lawson (1704-1767) discuss university life at Oxford and Cambridge. A letter to Sir Chaloner Ogle dated 1723 congratulates him over his safe return to England and his "signal victory over the Pirates, the common enemys of mankind." Other letters concern legal and estate matters and disputes; a letter to a neighbor declares, "As I was takeing a view of the March Hedge between Hartford and Cramlington Grounds, I had taken up Sods, several yards from your Hedge, And had also in two places, laid some of my ground within your liberty, as the Hedge is now built. I cannot imagine the meaning of this incroachment," while another letter takes issue with Reverend Mr. Potter's decision "to deposite your son, in the burial place of my Ancestors...Tho' my family have not lately made use of it, I have often been thinking of makeing a Vault, and perhaps may come into use again, so would advise you, to remove him out of that place, into the Chappel yard."